Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sports Chiropractic uses functional movement exams, soft tissue manipulation, chiropractic adjustments and neuromuscular rehabilitation in order to find and treat musculoskeletal issues and make sure they don’t easily occur in the future again. We don’t just adjust you and send you on your way! We listen and tailor your treatment plans to your unique body.

  • If something hurts, it’s very likely we can help. To be more specific though, we treat conditions such as, headaches, TMJ, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, patellar femoral pain syndrome, ankle sprains, Morton’s neuromas, upper and lower cross syndrome, piriformis syndrome, bicep tendonitis, migraines, nerve injuries, shoulder and hip impingements, and the list goes on and on!

    We can also help support you through things like pregnancy, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, autoimmune arthritis’, Ehler’s Danlos syndrome and many more!

    Yes of course, we do just see good ol’ neck and back pain! But, we will go beyond that and find where in your kinetic chain you are imbalanced or compensating. Let’s prevent those injuries before the happen!

  • Absolutely not! If you have musculoskeletal pain we will help you! Did you know that a lot of ergonomic injuries can be just as bad, if not worse than athletic injuries?! So, not matter what occupies your day to day, come in and see us!

  • You’re going to be moving and maybe in ways you haven’t moved in a LONG time. Please wear flexible, easy to move in clothing.

  • $170

  • After your first visit, we will discuss what your treatment plan is will look like. Everyone is so different, so except that your follow up appointment time and overall treatment plan will not be standardized.

    We offer 15, 30, 45 and 60 minute sessions. Typically we start with 30 minute follow ups, but will adjust the time based on what you need.

    For most people we try to have you back to normal activity within 4-6 weeks, if not sooner! But again, this widely ranges depending on what we are treating.